Experience Refined Quality

Simplicity in life is often best, and best shared with company

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Monkalino Olio Extravergine D'Oliva

Embark on a journey of wellness and Mediterranean experience. A flavour elevation with the highest quality Extra Virgin Olive Oil; Monkalino sources from the bountiful olives of the Fleurieu Peninsula in the award winning McLaren Vale region of South Australia.
Unlike many other producers, using organic practices, Monkalino harvests early, immediately cold-pressing the fruit and in turn delivering a nutrient rich oil filled with antioxidants from the abundance of polyphenols extracted. It is no secret that this is a large component of the dietary staple in many of the Blue Zones, famous for longevity. 
Refined for over 35 years, you'll delight in the clean mouth feel of MoltoSimpatico, a blend of Frantoio and Leccino olives. Experienced tasters can pick up notes of green apple, rocket and garden mint with a hint of fennel. There’s a subtle nuttiness to the blend and a delicate peppery finish making it the perfect accompaniment to salads, pasta, fish crudo or simply a piece of rustic bread. 
The Superiore with its intense fusion of Coratina and Frantoio varietals delivers a bold and peppery punch, for those with a more adventurous palette. 
Whether dipping your freshly baked sourdough, or drizzling over roast vegetables, pasta and salads, Monkalino’s olio extravergine d’oliva will inspire your taste buds & enrich your gatherings. As we say here at Monkalino“simplicity in life is often best, and best shared with company.”

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Health Benefits

Cold-pressed extra virgin olive oil is known for its numerous health benefits due to its high-quality extraction process and the unique compounds it contains. Here are some of the key health benefits
associated with consuming cold-pressed extra virgin olive oil:

Heart Health:

Rich in monounsaturated fats, cold-pressed extra virgin olive oil is. known to improve heart health by reducing the risk of cardiovascular diseases. It helps lower levels of "bad" LDL cholesterol while increasing "good" HDL cholesterol.The oil also contains antioxidants, such as polyphenols,
which have anti-inflammatory and protective effects on the endothelium (the lining of blood vessels).

Anti-Inflammatory Properties:

Cold-pressed extra virgin olive oil contains compounds like
oleocanthal, which have anti-inflammatory effects similar to ibuprofen. These compounds may help reduce inflammation in the body, which is linked to chronic

Antioxidant Effects:

The polyphenols in extra virgin olive oil act as powerful antioxidants, protecting cells from oxidative damage. This can help reduce the
risk of chronic diseases and slow down the aging process

Weight Management:

Consuming extra virgin olive oil as part of a Mediterranean diet has been associated with weight loss and improved weight management. The healthy fats in olive oil can promote satiety and reduce overall calorie consumption.

 Diabetes Management:

Some studies suggest that extra virgin olive oil may help regulate blood sugar levels and improve insulin sensitivity in individuals with
type 2 diabetes.

Brain Health:

The polyphenols in olive oil have been linked to improved cognitive function and a reduced risk of neurodegenerative diseases like

 Digestive Health:

Olive oil may aid in digestive health by promoting a healthy gut microbiome and helping to prevent conditions like ulcers and gastritis.

Anti-Cancer Properties:

Some studies suggest that the compounds in extra virgin olive oil may have protective effects against certain types of cancer, particularly those in the digestive system

Skin Health:

The antioxidants in olive oil can help protect the skin from damage caused by free radicals, contributing to healthier and more
youthful-looking skin.


Some studies have associated the Mediterranean diet, which includes a significant amount of olive oil, with increased lifespan and a
reduced risk of age-related diseases.

 It's important to note that the health benefits of cold-pressed extra virgin olive oil are best realized when it's used as a replacement for less healthy fats (e.g., saturated and trans fats) in your diet. Incorporating it into a balanced and varied diet is essential for reaping its full advantages. Additionally, while the consumption of olive oil is generally considered healthy, it's essential to consume it in moderation as it is calorie-dense.